Get Out Of Your Mind & Into Your Body in 5 Minutes

Get Out Of Your Mind & Into Your Body in 5 Minutes

Our minds are a frikking powerful part of our body but if this is where you’re spending all of your time, you’re missing out! To think too much puts us in this dangerous and harmful loop of anxiety. To get off that loop, you need to remind your brain that you also...
3 Ways to Step Into a Feeling of Gratitude

3 Ways to Step Into a Feeling of Gratitude

Gratitude has been a real focus of mine for the last six months or so.  Before that I wasn’t walking around with zero gratitude and hating on everything and everyone, I just didn’t notice a lot that I was, in fact, grateful for. It’s like all of this amazingness...
Feminine Embodiment Explained

Feminine Embodiment Explained

Embodiment: that seems like it has something to do with the body, movement, holding space, but you’re not quite sure. Neither was I at one point. But I got curious and now I’m in deep!  Let me tell you why. But before we can dive into what Feminine Embodiment Coaching...