A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start that applies to every area of your life, including your relationship. To keep your relationship interesting, commit at the beginning of each year to getting to know each other better, trying new things, and finding new...
It’s impossible to deny that as humans living in this modern society, there’s an insane amount of external demands on us. Between work, partner (or dating), family, social life, working out, social media, and all the rest, it’s a lot to handle daily....
It’s the thing that is free, we’re already doing it 24/7 and has been growing in popularity over the last few years: BREATHWORK. Since becoming a breathwork facilitator myself and integrating it into my daily practice and sharing it with my clients, I can...
Have you ever made yourself small? Think about it for a second. If you’re a woman, then I can assume that you’ll answer that question with a yes. You’re not alone in that, I’ve been there, in fact, I used to live there. I can distinctly remember the moment I realized...
Our minds are a frikking powerful part of our body but if this is where you’re spending all of your time, you’re missing out! To think too much puts us in this dangerous and harmful loop of anxiety. To get off that loop, you need to remind your brain that you also...
Gratitude has been a real focus of mine for the last six months or so. Before that I wasn’t walking around with zero gratitude and hating on everything and everyone, I just didn’t notice a lot that I was, in fact, grateful for. It’s like all of this amazingness...